Multiple device support

Upgrade to latest to enjoy cross device usage

Synchronising between Devices

Vectis is designed so that you can do transactions on multiple devices without exposing your credentials.

Apple iCloud Keychain Users

If you are using Apple iCloud Keychain then all your devices will be able to sign into Vectis. Safari in iOS and MacOS natively supports this so you can sign in and sign transactions.

If you would like to use other browsers (e.g. Brave / Chrome / etc), you will be able to do the same if you have MacOS Sonoma, see details on iCloud Keychain integration for Chrome in this article. This is tested on:

  • Brave v.159.117 on MacOS Sonoma v14.0

  • Chrome 118.0.5993.70 on MacOS Sonoma v14.0

1Password Users

1Password now also supports passkey, if you are a 1Password user, this means you can also use sync between your devices. On your desktop browsers, you can add the 1Password extension so that your credentials are backed-up off of your browser.

If you are using an iPhone with iOS 17 or later, you are then able to use 1Password with passkeys. You will have to enable ios-autofill.

Other Users

Please check that your browser supports webauthn. You can do the check here -> You may not be able to synchronise between devices without the above 2 methods at the moment but you will still be able to use Vectis on your iOS and Android 11 or later.

Other Hardware support

We currently do not yet support YubiKey or others. Please submit an issue if this is something you require.

Last updated